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In mapping trails/paths here in Northern California, I've encountered a few instances where the junction of trails ("Six Trails" "Boy Scout Junction") is named. The name is usually referenced in mileage signs, as well as at the place itself, so a node seems appropriate. What's the best tag? I've experimented with place=locality, but wonder if there's anything more appropriate.

asked 31 Jan '11, 03:31

barte's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

You can tag the intersection node as junction=yes, plus name= or ref= as appropriate. See key:junction

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answered 31 Jan '11, 08:58

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

I would tag the shared node junction=yes place=locality and name=Boy Scout Junction.

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answered 31 Jan '11, 09:39

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thanks. In trying both these approaches, looks like Mapnik and Osmarender both want a place= tag. So I'm going with petchge's suggested combo.

(31 Jan '11, 18:02) barte

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question asked: 31 Jan '11, 03:31

question was seen: 6,399 times

last updated: 31 Jan '11, 18:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum