After 6 days since I inserted the street names I still can't search for this street information. I visited this page My data is still missing and it's been several days Check the date of the latest data refresh at the top of as there may be a delay with the refresh. If it's up to date, you can verify if your data has been loaded and force it to be indexed using the following url[N|W|R]&osmid=<idnumber> If no item is found then your data has not been loaded, please report the problem and the osm id number of the feature using I tried to use this information but got stuck. what information do I enter in this parameters ?osmtype=[N|W|R]&osmid=<idnumber> |
The [N|W|R] is wanting N for node, or W for way, or R for relation (depending on the type of thing you are searching for). The idnumber is the ID of the thing you are checking. Suppose I added a new way, and the ID of that way is 28523243. Thus I would use the URL: (Alas I get an error about being unable to connect to the database for that URL, but you get the idea.) The talk page for Nominatim seems to suggest that it is not currently updating.
(31 Jan '11, 04:19)