I have a Versign OpenID of the form "<user>.pip.verisignlabs.com" If I try to link that URL to my existing OSM login, I get the stupid validation message that I should enter an URL. Well, that is an URL! And it is working at other site logins. I can cheat the system by putting an "http://" in front of the URL and then it's working - but who wants to fiddle around with try and error. My question: where can I leave a note to the administrators that they should fix the validation of the OpenID string at http://www.openstreetmap.org? I couldn't find a legal notice pointing me to the responsible address. Thanks for your hint. Georges PS Here at the OSM help section, the original OpenID URL in Verisign style worked out of the box! asked 21 Aug '13, 22:00 gjesch |
You are mistaken; "<user>.pip.verisignlabs.com" is not a URL; every URL must start with a scheme name, a colon, and two slashes. See Wikipedia for details. The best way to suggest a change to the OpenStreetMap web site code is through the GitHub issue tracker. answered 21 Aug '13, 23:56 Frederik Ramm ♦ 2
The OpenID spec actually specifies that the end user may leave off the http part ( https://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-1_1.html#anchor6 ). The problem is that the rails form requires contrary to the spec a valid full URL. I think this happened in one of the redesigns. However, there is an additional issue with verisign and http vs https. If you use http with your URL, login fails with "Sorry, could not log in with those details." It only works with https. I am not sure though if that is a bug with verisign or with the OpenID plugin of rails.
(22 Aug '13, 03:14)