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Generally I am aware that OSM uses external source for SRTM contour data (NASA). However, such data is not available for Iceland (too far North)...

The cycle map does have good contour data for Iceland though, and I would like to be able to download this data. Where is it coming from?

I have tried to use maperitive with opencyclemap to produce an svg file, but it contains no paths...

Ideas? Kind regards

edit: It would appear that opencyclemap is just a collection of png tiles...thus the contours are not accessible. hmmm, wonder what his sources were...

asked 20 Aug '13, 18:18

walkingreen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Aug '13, 19:30

Apparently some other sources cover iceland, and are used for the DEMs at . Please check their terms and conditions before use.

I found this link by using "iceland dem" as my google search query.

I don't know if OpenCycleMap uses this DEM or some other. On their doc page at they (that is, Andy Allan) states they use SRTM, but that may be inaccurate, as there seems to be no SRTM coverage of iceland...

permanent link

answered 21 Aug '13, 09:55

gormo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%


thank you for the response. I had actually come across viewfinderpanoramas before (sorry I forgot to mention). I will try their source again, but there is a strange possibility that the specific area I am looking for is also not contained withing that data.

I shall check and post back what I find.

Thanks again for the help

(21 Aug '13, 13:58) walkingreen

ok. I was wrong. the viewfinderpanoramas dem file does contain the data i needed. It appeared it did not when directly importing into JOSM. However, I used srtm2osm to create 10m elevation contours, and it worked beautifully.

I can now import into JOSM, but I don't know how to convert this data into an SVG now... I tried importing into maperitive as it has a good svg export function, but the osm data does not appear to render. any ideas?

(21 Aug '13, 14:46) walkingreen

Ok, problem seemingly solved. I had to change maperitive rendering style to wireframe. It then successfully exported the contours as svg.

I have since imported them into gimp as paths and all appears well. Great stuff.

(21 Aug '13, 15:03) walkingreen

scratch the last; I remain unsatisfied. Perhaps Andy at opencyclemap does have different sources... I have uploaded my custom osm here:

If anyone can, please import into maperitive and compare to the opencyclemap overlay. There is some x y displacement, but that would be curable. However it seems there is a difference in rotation, or simply distortion.

I wanted to use these contours in conjunction with a map such as openstreetmap...this distortion ruins things.

Any ideas?

(21 Aug '13, 16:28) walkingreen

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question asked: 20 Aug '13, 18:18

question was seen: 4,861 times

last updated: 21 Aug '13, 16:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum