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Wikipedia explanation

Video of shared spaces in the Netherlands

We got one this week at the ends of a big shopping mile in the capital of Austria: 1 2

asked 17 Aug '13, 23:33

stefanct's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We may not have a dedicated tag for these kind of roads, but tagging it as normal a highway=* (probably residential or living_street, whatever the signs say) and then allowing foot=yes will represent exactly what it is. A shared space for both cars and pedestrians.

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answered 19 Aug '13, 15:28

Chaos99's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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answered 18 Aug '13, 00:36

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


It's not a Living Street / Woonerf - that's the point of this question. Australians call what you call a Woonerf a Shared Space, but this question is about something else - the designation of primarily non-residential areas as shared spaces. See the (unfortunately rather UK-centric) wikipedia article that the questioner linked to:

(18 Aug '13, 11:18) SomeoneElse ♦

SomeoneElse, the Shared Space wikipedia article cited says "urban core or residential" and if you look through the examples there, most of those are in the "urban core" and I expect most would be tagged as living streets in OSM.

That said, from the Living Streets wikipedia page, it looks like this is a specific legal designation in some countries. If so, we then get into the issue of how to map specific legal designations in a region into OSM terminology, and how that sometimes doesn't work out quite right. ie--in the US, many "towns" in OSM (due to size) are legally "cities".

(19 Aug '13, 15:08) neuhausr

@neuhausr What the wikipedia article actually says is "... approach ... used on narrower streets within the urban core and as part of living streets within residential areas". We already know how to map living streets (as "highway=living_street"), but we don't yet have a good way to map NON-residential areas using this approach.

Have a look at the original question that @stefanct moved this out from for more info.

(19 Aug '13, 15:50) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse, sorry I'm not sure what original question you're referring to. Can you link to it?

So, you seem to be gathering, from the shared space wikipedia article, that living streets are limited to residential areas? I think that's an overly literal reading of that sentence. In addition, the living street wikipedia article itself never limits living streets to only residential areas, and says "This is often achieved using the shared space approach", suggesting that there is some overlap between the two concepts. The OSM wiki also doesn't limit highway=living_street to residential areas.

(20 Aug '13, 16:10) neuhausr

AFAIK there is no commonly used tag in Openstreetmap for what is effectively a dangerous and busy uncontrolled crossing

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answered 18 Aug '13, 10:53

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 17 Aug '13, 23:33

question was seen: 7,538 times

last updated: 20 Aug '13, 16:10

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