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When I´ve installed OSM on my Garmin, no Streets will be shown on the screen. Please help me with my problem.

asked 17 Aug '13, 13:01

smapco's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Aug '13, 14:02

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


I think that you'll need to add a few more details before anyone will be able to help.

1) There are lots of OSM-based Garmin maps available, so which one did you choose - which website did you download it from, and which map on there did you download?

2) What did you do to install the map on your GPSMap 62?

3) When you say "no streets will be shown on the screen" do you mean "nothing different is shown on the screen when compared to before I installed the map", or something else?

(17 Aug '13, 13:05) SomeoneElse ♦

The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to the list of available maps and choose one that suits you
  2. On the download site, follow whatever instructions the site owner / map maker gives to select and download your map
  3. Once downloaded, you should have a file called similar to "" (maybe with more detail like date or kind of map in the name). Unzip that file by whatever means your operating system offers (probably a right-click and 'Extract').
  4. You should now have a rather big file called "gmapsupp.img". Transfer this to the Garmins internal storage or (better) to the SD-card and put it in a folder called "Garmin", (e.g. G:\Garmin\gmapsupp.img). Using the Garmin-supplied USB-cable will work, but removing the SD card and using a dedicated card-reader will be much faster.
  5. On a GPSmap62, only one map at a time is supported, so you should see the new map right away (if the map has data in the area where you currently are). On newer devices, you may have several maps at the same time. You can chose which one to see in Settings->Maps on the Garmin. For those newer devices, you are allowed to rename the "gmapsupp.img" so you can have multiple maps in the same folder. (But you have to keep the ".img")

For further help you need to answer the questions already posted as a comment under your questions so we can get a more detailed picture of your problem.

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answered 19 Aug '13, 15:20

Chaos99's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%


For determining the correct directory for the gmapsupp.img better take a look at the Garmin devices wiki page. Some of the newer models require a different directory instead of Garmin, for example Map.

(19 Aug '13, 15:26) scai ♦

@scai Didn't know that. Thanks! But at least for the GPSmap62 it should be the old /Garmin.

(19 Aug '13, 15:30) Chaos99

I think the 62STC is a newer model as it's in the list of models that are compatible with garmin custom maps. see

(19 Aug '13, 20:28) andy mackey

I think it is just the newer Nuvi and Zumo models which need maps in the "Map" directory. The outdoor and fitness models all use maps in the "Garmin" directory.

(19 Aug '13, 21:55) Vclaw

You can check if you have correctly installed the map and then select it. You may also select what level of detail is shown. see pages 12/13 of the user guide see this bit of it:


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answered 18 Aug '13, 00:48

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 18 Aug '13, 17:23

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 17 Aug '13, 13:01

question was seen: 64,272 times

last updated: 19 Aug '13, 21:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum