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Hi -

Newbie needs guidance.

A few of us in the Boston tech startup community want to create a map showing the location of all the tech companies in Boston. OSM and tagging appear to be well-suited to this, but as a newbie I don't know where to start.

Here are the things I know we want as an outcome:

  • Normal, zoomable map
  • Companies are shown just as an Office would be, but are particularly tagged to be a tech company. (See below for defining what that means.)
  • There is a view of the map showing only these tagged nodes (e.g. doesn't show other tagged elements like amenities, etc.)
  • This is on the public OSM (i.e. not a locally-installed version of OSM)
  • Community-maintained. All the people in a local Tech ecosystem would keep the tagged offices up-to-date over time.

It's not clear to me how to approach this tagging, since "technology office / company" isn't in the tag database, and I don't know if / how user-defined tags work. I assert that people in many cities / areas in the world may want to have a similar "map of all the tech companies in my town," so this might be a generally-useful tag to add in OSM's tag structure. (I suspect there will be more tech company employees adding such nodes to OSM than, say "(real) estate" companies (for which there is a tag). ;-)

Note: I realize there's some ambiguity in what constitutes a "technology company." We can create some guidelines in this question thread, or (maybe better) in a separate discussion thread in the OSM Forum.

Can somebody help get me started?

Thanks in advance.

asked 16 Aug '13, 04:12

Jay%20Batson's gravatar image

Jay Batson
accept rate: 0%

To get the normal, zooamble map, you could take and adopt the source code of the Locate Me prototype.

For the tagging: No such category exists in OSM so far. You can invent a new tag and just use it, for example "company=tech_startup" or whatever else rather then bend an existing one.

In general, it is easy to convert all objects of a certain tag to another tag later, but it is hard to disentagle different types of objects with the same tagging. For that reason, for more than a dozen objects, a new tag is highly appreciated.

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answered 16 Aug '13, 07:33

Roland%20Olbricht's gravatar image

Roland Olbricht
accept rate: 36%

"company=*" ? Any reason to not reuse the "office" tag here ?

(16 Aug '13, 13:25) Pieren

Not a particular reason. I flipped with through the top 100 tags and found nothing suitable. As "office" has anyway "company" as most often appearing value, I suggest to follow the practice of key chaining (use the value of the more general key as special key, e.g. "type=route", "route=bus") and combine both: "office=company" + "company=tech_startup".

(16 Aug '13, 14:51) Roland Olbricht

Also please document your new tag in the osm wiki for others to refer to. Also include any rules that you make up to whatever is a 'tech company'.

(19 Aug '13, 16:41) Chaos99

Then almost all existing values of "office=" could be changed to "office=company" + "company=" like architects or lawyers. I think the tag is intended to present a long range of values, like eg 'shops'. So "office=tech_startup". And since we try to avoid abbreviations in tags because we are not all geeks, "office=technology_startup" is even better.

(21 Aug '13, 16:51) Pieren

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question asked: 16 Aug '13, 04:12

question was seen: 2,056 times

last updated: 21 Aug '13, 16:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum