The Myanmar/Burmese Unicode is unreadable and needs to be fixed. There are a few faux-Unicode attempts for Burmese, and it seems that maybe these were used or that the Unicode font being used is not correct. The Myanmar3 font uses real Unicode.
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The question has been closed for the following reason "To be continued at" by aseerel4c26 17 Aug '13, 20:53
This is an error/bug report and doesn't belong on the help site, please open an issue for the Mapnik style here: or here: |
Thank you for those image links (in your comments above). So you are speaking of: object/location on map. The name in the data is exactly you write it "နေပြည်တော်" (I do not have a font to display it, but a Ctrl+F search helps). That is the most important part. Which font the renderer (the programs which create the maps) uses is up to them. And there are many maps made of OpenStreetMap data. Half-way officially by of itself is the mapnik standard style (of which you took the screenshot and to which I linked). If it is clearly a wrong font, maybe we could have it changed. But your explanations sound like there is some dispute about what is the "correct" font, right? Maybe it was already discussed somewhere which one to use. To change it (as I understand it) this has to be discussed somewhere (maybe mailing list or forum) and if it is clear that the style should be changed you can ask the developers of it to make the change. Getting in touch with the WikiProject Myanmar (see the history of the page to see who edited) or just write on the talk page. 1
That's helpful to know that it was typed correctly. While there is some dispute about fonts, the current rendering doesn't work for either one :) The place names have already been typed using the official Unicode mapping, so the only problem is getting the correct font. As per the other answer, I have added a ticket on the trac site. Thanks!
(17 Aug '13, 17:15)
okay, fine, but what is the relation to OpenStreetMap? Is there somewhere on our webpages or tools a problem? Where? Please specify exactly.
The place names in OpenStreetMap that are in Burmese Unicode do not display properly.
Do you mean such a name (MapQuest rendering with international and Burmese name)? Is the data right but wrong on the map rendering?
Please give an example, copy a link.
I suspect something like is meant. Although I don't know anything about Burmese, the boxes look somewhat wrong.
Yes, for instance, the capital Naypyidaw should be rendered as နေပြည်တော် (text version) or as is visible in this image:!10516&authkey=!AAp2BG_d-OfHjps&v=3
However, currently it is rendered as:!10515&authkey=!APrRE5H8eWot5zM&v=3
Although Burmese is part of Unicode, many applications don't support it, apparently because they are using an older version of Unicode? Windows 8 is the first OS to have native Burmese support. Also, a font was created using the Burmese Unicode characters but with different letters assigned to them! This font, called Zawgyi, is currently used widely by the public, but the government is trying to promote fonts using the Unicode standard.
I can't tell from the current rendering whether it was typed using the Zawgyi mappings or whether it is just not rendering the Unicode properly
your skydrive images don't work for me - could you please post direct links to images?
I'll try again with dropbox. Here is what it should be:
Here is what it is currently: