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Dear all!

This is a bit urgent, as I am working on a research project with a tight schedule and upcoming deadline...

Basically my question is: How can I download the OSM Bike Map in a way that I can use in Adobe Illustrator or other vector based program? I tried to export as .svg, but it is all the time the main map that is exported. I also downloaded the .shp files from to use in ArcGIS, but there is no layer for biking routes.

Let me know if you have any suggestions, or if I am unclear!

asked 14 Aug '13, 16:44

annerala's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Aug '13, 16:57

OpenCycleMap is a personal project of Andy Allan (Gravitystorm), the styles used to create it are not available, and even if they were would not be much use for pulling into Illustrator.

You will need to use a basic OSM extract (such as those available at BBBike) and select the features which you require either using various OSM tools, such as Osmosis of osmfilter, or using ShapeFiles in ArcGIS or QGIS. Basically you will need at a minimum all highways tagged with highway=cycleway, or cycleway=yes or (highway=footway AND cycle=yes) ncn|rcn|lcn=* or ncn_ref|rcn-ref|lcn_ref=* or cycleway:lane=*. You may also wish to see barriers, cycle parking, cycle crossings etc. You are unlikely to replicate anything like OpenCycleMap because it represents at least 5 years of effort by Andy, but you may get a reasonable approximation. Note that tagging of cycleways varies according to local circumstances.

Printed cycle maps have been produced from OpenStreetMap data, for instance by David Earl ("What I learned making a real map on real paper for real people and real money", David Earl at Sotm2010, Girona). If you watch the video you will see that it is a complex and involved process, not something to do at the last minute.

I am sure that one of the OSM service providers would be able to provide you with a suitable extract, but I imagine not at a price you would be comfortable with.

permanent link

answered 14 Aug '13, 18:51

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 14 Aug '13, 16:44

question was seen: 10,362 times

last updated: 14 Aug '13, 18:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum