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Hi, I'm just getting to grips with editing and this is too hard for me right now.

Search for 'Bushey Hill Road SE5 UK' yields on OSM Nominatim 'Bushey Hill Road, Champion Hill Estate, Camberwell, London Borough of Southwark, London, Greater London, England, SE5, United Kingdom, European Union' which is all correct except for Champion Hill Estate. In fact large parts of my local area show Champion Hill Estate which is a very small estate in fact. The estate is actually bounded by Champion Hill (N) between intersection nodes 70723150 and 1594723995, and the area S and E of estate road bounded by Dog Kennel Hill and Dog Kennel Open Space.

Presumably if the Champion Hill Estate can be confined to these limits then the rest of Camberwell will get the right address.

I'd like to know how to correct this, though I'm hoping someone else will do it and tell what they did!


asked 14 Aug '13, 13:09

Paul5730's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Go to, enter your search query and click on "(details)" on the result your are interested in. For Bushey Hill Road SE5 UK this will be this page. Here Nominatim presents you its internal view on the specific place including a hierarchic representation of the address. Inside this hierarchy you will find the node Champion Hill Estate. Because Champion Hill Estate is only a node, Nominatim has to estimate how large this area is. Obviously this estimation won't be correct most of the time.

If you want to fix this you can replace the Champion Hill Estate node with an area having the same tags. This area doesn't necessarily have to be 100% correct but with the help of some local knowledge you will be able to make a better estimation than Nominatim can.

permanent link

answered 14 Aug '13, 13:35

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, I've created an area, I needed to use iD rather than potlatch which made it easy. I'll figure out how to give the area tags in a minute. I don't see how to delete the node however?

(14 Aug '13, 14:15) Paul5730

Just open the node in iD, click on it and choose the trash icon.

(14 Aug '13, 14:18) scai ♦

I deleted all the node tags and that seems to have done the trick. And the area selects correctly in search, and nearby locations no longer erroneously appear to be part of the estate.


Many thanks.

(14 Aug '13, 14:23) Paul5730

Great! But the node still exists. Deleting all tags doesn't delete the object. Also the tag of the new area is slightly wrong, instead of "place=housing_estate" you used "place=Housing Estate" (capitalization and whitespace instead of underscore). This won't work correctly.

(14 Aug '13, 15:09) scai ♦

place=housing_estate is not the correct tag anyway (I'm surprised that Nominatim actually used it). It should be place=suburb or place=neighbourhood

(14 Aug '13, 15:25) Vclaw

I dont know about 'correct' tags, the reality is that Nominatim places undue emphasis on place tags it is not familiar with. It would be better practice for such tags to be given an index value which placed them more locally.

(14 Aug '13, 18:56) SK53 ♦
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question asked: 14 Aug '13, 13:09

question was seen: 7,158 times

last updated: 14 Aug '13, 18:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum