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How do I tag container buildings like this / dies

asked 12 Aug '13, 17:20

hfst's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There's a few building=container in taginfo that seem to fit better than my initial idea of building=prefab. You might also want to tag roof:shape=flat and height=*.

permanent link

answered 12 Aug '13, 18:58

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 12 Aug '13, 21:50

Vclaw's gravatar image


please since were talking about containers, ad length in feet.

(12 Aug '13, 20:35) Hendrikklaas

Why on earth in feet? length is in meters by default.

(12 Aug '13, 20:39) scai ♦

yep, no offence but containers are named and known as 10, 20, 40 and 45".

(12 Aug '13, 21:41) Hendrikklaas

Is a length tag useful at all ? Doesn't the geometry of the closed way already give the information we want in this case ? In fact in this case (container-turned-building), there should probably be a single osm closed way for the multiple containers that are arranged into a single "building", so the length of the original containers really doesn't matter.

(12 Aug '13, 21:50) Vincent de P... ♦

Also don't forget to tag color=*.

(12 Aug '13, 22:18) Jonathan Ben...

Jonathan, you mean colour, right? ;-) building:colour and roof:colour would be other options. Well, we do not need to copy the Simple 3d buildings page - it is linked in the "answer" text.

(12 Aug '13, 22:50) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 12 Aug '13, 17:20

question was seen: 2,487 times

last updated: 12 Aug '13, 22:50

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