NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum

I have been editing since around April. So far I did around 1500 edits. Now I notice a few unnatural changes to iD. Perhaps the others will see it differently, then let's vote:

  1. The editing info, tags etc is on the left side. It was on the right side. I think that the natural flow of work is generally from left to right. So when I go to edit, I first draw a building, for example, and go to the right to add the name, tags etc. Please move the info column to the right.
  2. The zoom controls +, - , > show my location is on the right. It was on the left. Leave them on the left. Check the masters at Google, they know what they are doing, the zoom functions etc are on the left.
  3. Please, get rid of the "You just edited openstreetmap." and the icons. Who really needs that?
  4. Some of the tags that need additional info had an automatic fill in function. For example, a service road may need additional info, like parking_aisle. In the old version, I just typed p and the rest was filled in. Now one has to write the entire word or two (at least in my FF browser). This is very time consuming and annoying which will lead to many people to not to provide this type of additional info. Thank you!!!

asked 12 Aug '13, 03:28

slover98's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

closed 12 Aug '13, 09:00

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Bug reports for iD should go to the github issue tracker; this is a help system" by Richard 12 Aug '13, 09:00

This help system is for answering questions, not for voting about features in one particular editor. If you want to discuss editor usability, the best place is probably the OSM talk mailing list (, and if you have specific requests then file them as issues on the GitHub bug tracker for iD, here: When doing so, make sure that each of your requests is placed in its own ticket.

permanent link

answered 12 Aug '13, 07:51

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 12 Aug '13, 03:28

question was seen: 2,645 times

last updated: 12 Aug '13, 09:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum