I genrated and osm file from overpass which consists of some specific tags that i need. Overpass query
I want to filter the file to contain only the above tags. It only outputs the keys without colon in them. i.e i don't get the operator:type and capacity:beds and some others. Is there a work around for this? My cmd
asked 10 Aug '13, 09:40 amritkarma
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I have performed the following steps:
The resulting document contains all the tags you mentioned. answered 12 Aug '13, 12:46 gormo |
if you cannot get any help here, try the discussion page of http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter in the OSM wiki.
Are you really sure that there are objects in your input osm file that have the attributes with the colon? Please provide an overpass-turbo permalink, so we can experiment with the data. I have no problems filtering on keys with a colon in them.
Do you mean the Katmandu area in Nepal? http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Ku
Same here, I have an osm with nodes like these.
which I want to filter out with this instruction
But it does not work, it works if I do highway=residential, though
@lanzalibre is that related to this question in any way? They were using osmfilter; you're using osmosis? I'd suggest asking a separate question (and say what OS you're using, as that can change what you type on the command line before osmosis even sees it).
You are very right. Here is the corresponding osmfilter query with the exact same result
osmfilter arizona_highways_residentials.osm --keep="tiger:county='Maricopa, AZ'" > arizona_maricopa_highways_residentials.osm