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When constructing a model for a building (for example a church with steeple etc) using primitive shapes. Is there any way to preview what it will look like in 3d without having to wait the 24 hours for it to appear in F4-group map?

asked 06 Aug '13, 23:32

CDP1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are different options for you to preview 3D renderings:

The Kendzi 3D plugin for JOSM is probably the best choice for your purpose. It allows you to instantly view your editor contents in 3D and can easily be installed from within JOSM.

Kendzi3D Screenshot 1 Kendzi3D Screenshot 2

Alternatively, OSM2World (Wiki) can also be used offline. It's a stand-alone program and a little bit harder to set up:

  • Download and unzip "latest build" and "example texture selection" from the download page
  • Call the appropriate script for your operating system (.bat or .sh) in the OSM2World directory from the command line, and add the parameters --config --gui, with "" pointing to the file of that name from the "example texture selection" archive you have downloaded previously
  • From the program window, you can now open the .osm file you want to view (it also accepts saved files from JOSM) and reload it after edits

OSM2World Screenshot 1 OSM2World Screenshot 2

It should be noted that both programs support some features not (yet?) present in F4 map - after all, they have been around for a few years already -, and interpret some things differently. For you, that means that there is no guarantee that F4 will render buildings in exactly the same way, but I still think it is very helpful to have the instant verification of your 3D mapping efforts.

permanent link

answered 07 Aug '13, 10:09

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 07 Aug '13, 10:28

Thanks Tordanik, I'll haven't used JOSM. So I will see if I can download and install, Java, JOSM & the Kendz 3D plugin. Had a quick look at the download site looks like there may be issues with 64 bit windows. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit & Chrome Browser Version 23.0.1271.64 m

(07 Aug '13, 23:11) CDP1

I've spent hours of researching and looking things up and I have yet to get Kendz 3D plugin. I'm using Java 8 update (151?) on MacOS and I can never get the plugin to run on any version of JOSM.

(22 Dec '17, 20:40) Mxdanger

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question asked: 06 Aug '13, 23:32

question was seen: 5,793 times

last updated: 22 Dec '17, 20:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum