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In P1, "g" loaded all GPS traces, and "G" loaded all your traces. Is there a way of doing this in P2 (other than loading them one by one, which obviously takes some time)?

asked 28 Jan '11, 00:32

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Just click 'GPS data' to load everyone's traces for the current area. There's currently no way to show only your traces as this isn't supported by the XML API.

permanent link

answered 28 Jan '11, 01:30

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Ah - OK, thanks.

(28 Jan '11, 02:30) SomeoneElse ♦

I don't see why you can't do it if you want... I believe there is an API call to get a list of traces for a user and a call to load a trace. What more would be needed?

(28 Jan '11, 09:18) TomH ♦♦

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question asked: 28 Jan '11, 00:32

question was seen: 3,914 times

last updated: 28 Jan '11, 09:18

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