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I am trying to export a small area to OSM2XP to construct scenery for Xplane 10. The file name seems to have two endings and will not open in the scenery programme.

The file name of the export is " map.osm.xml ".

When I choose export some text appears very briefly in the export panel and I quess its where one chooses the file format. It does not stay long enough to read let alone choose. Anyone got any idea about what is going on.

asked 06 Aug '13, 13:02

gumpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What data format does XPlane require?

(06 Aug '13, 13:19) SomeoneElse ♦

OSM2XP seems to want a file ending *.osm without the xml on the end.

(06 Aug '13, 13:28) gumpa

After you have downloaded it, rename "map.osm.xml" to "map.osm".

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answered 06 Aug '13, 13:31

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks. I did as you suggested but the OSM2XP would not accept it as a valid file and I could not import it. It is likely a problem with OSM2XP rather than OSM as such.

Thanks anyway.

On a general note is there supposed to be a choice of output formats in Export ?

(06 Aug '13, 13:53) gumpa

Take a look at your file. Is it a valid XML file? Does it start with <?xml and end with </osm>?

(06 Aug '13, 14:11) scai ♦

I'd have a look at the data in a text editor to make sure it does look like OSM XML. The first two lines should be something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm version="0.6" generator="CGImap 0.2.0" copyright="OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution="" license="">

When I select "export data" I don't get a choice of format (and I wouldn't expect one). One thing that's definitely worth mentioning is that if you want a lot of data you're better off using one of the data extracts on this page.

(06 Aug '13, 14:12) SomeoneElse ♦

scai --- as above the file name from OSM is map.osm.xml. The osm2xp seems to expect similar but without the file ending xml although it wants an xml file. S..E.. --- The first two lines are as you have suggested.

(06 Aug '13, 15:03) gumpa should export a file as a simple map.osm file, if there's a .xml there's something wrong, maybe with your navigator. Could you try to export data with another navigator?



Osm2xp dev

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answered 07 Aug '13, 09:16

Benny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Aug '13, 09:17

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question asked: 06 Aug '13, 13:02

question was seen: 2,508 times

last updated: 07 Aug '13, 09:17

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