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Hello, please tell me, the resource has a static ip address? We need the information necessary for the opening of the port and ip address.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 06 Aug '13, 08:27

Dmitro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Aug '13, 15:13

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

See the servers wiki page. There are lots of different servers for various different services. The website, tiles, wiki, mailing lists, help, forum, Nominatim and so on. The listed addresses are static, of course, but may change from time to time when switching to new servers or adding additional ones.

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answered 06 Aug '13, 08:40

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

And what port is used to connect?

(06 Aug '13, 08:52) Dmitro

That depends on which service you connect to. Tell us what you want to do and we can help you better.

(06 Aug '13, 09:42) Frederik Ramm ♦

We need to open access to the Internet from terminal server, with the necessary information about the ip addresses yours servers.

(06 Aug '13, 13:22) Dmitro

Access to which service exactly?

(06 Aug '13, 13:28) scai ♦

We need map service.

(06 Aug '13, 13:44) Dmitro

Just viewing map or editing too ?

(06 Aug '13, 14:12) Pieren

Hello all, thanks for answer my questions. We need only viewing map from application

(07 Aug '13, 12:47) Dmitro
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

If I am not mistaken, all osm services run over http or https. So that would be the standard ports 80 and 443. You can see the complete assignment of IPs and their corresponding names in the git repository that OSM uses to manage their DNS servers. ( )

The IPs for the tile servers might change more frequently because they are behind a geographically distributed CDN that can change depending on demand and availability. You can access the individual caches directly with their IPs, but this is not encouraged, as that then bypasses load balancing and high availability mechanisms.

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answered 07 Aug '13, 20:53

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 06 Aug '13, 08:27

question was seen: 14,092 times

last updated: 02 Dec '13, 09:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum