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Most times when I add a roof colour to a polygon that already has levels and roof shape attributes, the roof shape attribute disappears. I'm using Google Chrome and the in browser editor on Windows 7.

asked 06 Aug '13, 05:04

CDP1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Aug '13, 16:27

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


What tags do you use exactly? And are you editing with iD or Potlatch2?

(06 Aug '13, 06:13) scai ♦

I'm Editing with iD. Tags I'm using are roof:shape, roof:colour & roof:material. I have since found if I add the attribute by typing in colour then selecting roof:colour from the list the roof:shape attribute does not get deleted. Something to do with the auto fill? If I type roof then select roof:shape from the list all the roof:* attributes get deleted from the attribute list & I either have to undo or re-add them.

(06 Aug '13, 23:24) CDP1

Sounds like a bug in iD. Try to create a ticket.

(07 Aug '13, 06:28) scai ♦

Thanks for your response, I will try to create a ticket. Do I need to sign up to GitHub to do this? As I tried my OSM user name and password and it just gave me wrong password or username message.

(07 Aug '13, 07:26) CDP1

Yes, unfortunately you have to create a new account. GitHub is completely independent from OSM. But there are also other OSM projects hosted on GitHub so it might come in handy at a later time.

(07 Aug '13, 07:51) scai ♦

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question asked: 06 Aug '13, 05:04

question was seen: 2,257 times

last updated: 07 Aug '13, 16:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum