I'd like to start adding some POI's in bulk. Like for example all of the xyz brand gas stations, or all of the motorcycle dealers in my area / (or the entire world). I have their addresses, and I can convert that myself to lat/long etc. But I haven't been able to find a way to upload the bulk data to OSM. Would I have to program my own client to use the API or is there an easier way to upload a list of dealers to OSM? |
Please read the Import Guidelines and Code of Conduct. Automated imports have many, many difficulties and are not universally welcomed in OSM. At the very least you should discuss your proposed import on the national mailing lists of every country that will be affected, and if it's of worldwide scope, on the international talk@ list as well. 3
Further to what Richard has said, there may be other ways of making this information available to mappers without importing it directly to the OSM database -- as an overlay layer or a feed of locations, for instance. See Post Hoc (a database of postboxes) http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/postboxes/ for an example.
(27 Jan '11, 22:58)
Jonathan Ben...
Consider just the problem of GeoCoding - converting addresses to lat/lon: if you collect the lat/lon yourself via waypoints on a GPS, that would be fine. Online or commercial GeoCoding services are not likely to result in the quality expectations for OSM, where the POI is placed on the building or fuel island. In the past, automated GeoCoding has placed POIs in the middle of streets, or many meters away from the property boundary of the desired location. You would also need to confirm that a GeoCoding service terms of use would allow resulting data to be uploaded to OSM. |
Richard, thanks for setting me in the right direction. Jonathan and Mike, thanks very much for the tips. I kinda figured that 'close' would be better than nothing and it could be fixed if wrong. but I guess I might be approaching it wrongly. All I want is to have a map on my garmin that I can fix when it's wrong. So I'm really interested in getting a database that can do what the built in city nav can do as far as finding gas or whatnot. If these things were added as a layer, would they show up in the maps from Lamburtus? OpenStreetMap does not have separate layers where something like this could be placed. If you were able to set up the Garmin map generation chain, you could add the POIs to the data before the Garmin map was created. (I'm also not sure that the current Garmin generation toolset supports POIs).
(30 Jan '11, 11:16)
Mike N
How about converting the data that you have into waypoints? That way you can load it onto your GPS and see what's supposed to be somewhere, and then actually go out and check it (using a different symbol or colour for the verified data). You can then upload the verified points to OSM as part of a GPX track and convert them to features on the map while editing. |