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Should a "generic path" for pedestrians, which is parallel to a street (highway=primary) tagged with name="name of the street"

asked 05 Aug '13, 19:49

hfst's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

From the comments below I suspect that this is the relevant bit of street:

(07 Aug '13, 19:12) SomeoneElse ♦

yes, but I think that happens often. I think about this because my GPS often tells me turn left on a "Radweg/Fahrradweg" instead of using an name.

(08 Aug '13, 18:40) hfst

No. Sidewalks and cycleways parallel to a street usually don't get the name tag.

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answered 07 Aug '13, 20:40

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Although naming is not required, they could be tagged as part of long distance path if necessary.

(07 Aug '13, 21:49) andy mackey

If on a long distance path - then the name should be on relation.

(09 Aug '13, 02:23) robbieonsea

It's true that this is not usually done, but the name of the street accompanied by the footpath is needed for certain use cases such as giving useful directions. So we need some solution for this.

(09 Aug '13, 18:53) Tordanik

@robbieonsea: I think that's a different point.

(09 Aug '13, 20:34) hfst

@Tordanik: you got it! that's why I asked for.

(09 Aug '13, 20:36) hfst

Some paths do have names, for example "Central Walk" in Joondalup.

(27 Oct '13, 17:18) Oliver Cooksey

That one's not next to a street though, is it?

(27 Oct '13, 17:29) SomeoneElse ♦
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

What about footway - sidewalk left / right or both, otherwise there has to be a specific name sign on the path. And take a look here

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answered 05 Aug '13, 20:23

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

sidewalk does not help because in the case footway is already mapped as "generic path / bicycle designated / foot designated". The street is mapped as "highway primary / bicycle no / foot no / name Ben-Gurion-Ring"; all in nuremberg / germany if you want to have a look. So what I like to do is to add the name-tag to the generic path.

(07 Aug '13, 18:52) hfst

hi SomeoneElse has added a link to the way. The bicycle ways are probatly a two way stretch, but dont need the extra name tag. Please take a look here

(07 Aug '13, 20:35) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 05 Aug '13, 19:49

question was seen: 4,265 times

last updated: 27 Oct '13, 17:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum