Just realized that I'm no longer seeing the white circle with a black "X" through it that used to indicate a railway=level_crossing node. I searched trac and the wiki but I don't see any mention of this being changed. Has it? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by OceanVortex 06 Aug '13, 13:52
As far as I can see the CartoCSS stylesheet currently defines only a rule for railway=crossing (in amenity-symbols.mss), but not for railway=level_crossing (although the image to render is named level_crossing.png). Seems like a bug report is a good idea. 4
Yet in project.mml https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/project.mml I only see railway=level_crossing mentioned, not railway=crossing - which might be why I don't see anything rendered for railway=crossing either, so yes bug report here: https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues
(05 Aug '13, 08:57)
EdLoach ♦
Example where I am quite sure that there was a crossing symbol a few weeks ago but apparently no change in the data (accessing from Germany). I guess(!) it could be related to the switch to Carto (see question how-to-move-labels) and not being intentional, but still maybe not temporary. Co-incidental someone noticed at Aug 3 11:43 on the talk mailing list that there was a DNS change for tile accesses from Austria (now to server "tabaluga"). All in all: I would wait a bit (day?) and report it as bug against the carto stylesheet at some point in time, if not somebody knows better. Update:
(Shortened citation from talk mailing list, Aug 5 2013, 13:41) 1
Yep, same missing crossings here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.68236&lon=10.10939&zoom=17&layers=M (accessed from germany too).
(05 Aug '13, 07:28)