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I have downloaded a map from and loaded it into basecamp. I am trying to create a route, however there is a small gap in the road along the route so the route will not connect. Is there a way I can use an editor to correct this, or even go ride the route with my Garmin Edge 810 and upload the data to the community to correct the map?

Thanks, Ed

asked 03 Aug '13, 13:57

Ed_Register's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

alt textYou have a few choices.

  1. Create a track in Basecamp and use that in your Garmin, as route locks onto existing paths and ways.
  2. When you have surveyed the missing bit and recorded a GPX race you could upload that to OSM.
  3. If you know the way is ok to use it should be possible to use Bing to draw it in, using one of the editors.

Hope this is of some help. the beginners guide and docs will fill in the gaps (bad pun). When asking about a particular place it is good to show us where. You can do this with a permalink. From map page right click View tab. then left click copy link, paste this into your original question by editing it or posting it as a comment. note; it is possible the gap is already fixed in the main database as the Garmin downloads are older. The illustration shows if you put mouse over pointer over the View tab you get co_ords displayed at the bottom PLEASE show us where the problem is, someone may fix it, or even better you could, after reading this.

permanent link

answered 03 Aug '13, 17:27

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 05 Aug '13, 10:07

I did the ride and the gap is obvious. When you say it's possible the gap is already fixed in the database, how do I get the MOST current maps? I downloaded from because that's the only place I have found to download free maps.

(04 Aug '13, 13:37) Ed_Register

There are lots of different OSM Maps for Garmin. Most of these services display the date of the map data somewhere. To see whether the gap has already been fixed you can either open the editor or activate the data layer ("Map Data") via the sidebar.

(04 Aug '13, 15:51) scai ♦

Hi Ed, there could be a plausible reason why the way is cut or broken, so don’t start changing it right away. Since you have made an OSM account please take a closer look with one of the editors as P2 or ID at the area, even in the advanced menu to see what’s causing the gap. Ask the mappers on both sides or go for a ride and take a look.

permanent link

answered 03 Aug '13, 16:18

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

hi theres really a gap or broken way ? So the map you got is right, isnt it ! ps could you ad a permalink so we could look at it, thanks ? pps theres Always a time between changes are made and the after products or daughters, and I dont know how much time a volunteer needs to make an update.

(04 Aug '13, 15:03) Hendrikklaas

Sorry, when I said I did the ride and the gap was obvious I meant it was obvious on the MAP. The road is continuous and there is no gap in the real world. I do have the the .gpx data and will try to get it uploaded to make the maps more accurate.

(05 Aug '13, 12:39) Ed_Register

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question asked: 03 Aug '13, 13:57

question was seen: 5,957 times

last updated: 05 Aug '13, 12:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum