I just tried my luck at doing some audio mapping. Audio recorder in one pocket, GPS in the other. I got an mp3 file (a little over 14min long) and a GPX track, which I tried to sync in JOSM. I used Audacity to convert the mp3 file to WAV, as it's the only format JOSM knows. Importing audio works ok, but then I'm unable to play the file. I get an error message saying: "Error plyaing sound / unspecified reason", which is pretty criptic. Is there a specific format for wav that josm requires? or some other trick I should be aware of? I think I followed the help pages, but still... I'm using JOSM 6060 (openJDK 7) on ubuntu 12.04. Thanks for any help! |
I'm afraid I can't be of much help, but wanted to comment because I didn't even know this (geosynchronised audio) was possible. I'll have to play with it - I've thought about trying to do similar things (perhaps a script that generates video frames from map imagery at the appropriate intervals, then transcodes the audio and images into webm or similar video format). As far as the unhelpful "like, dude, something went wrong" error from JOSM, the only thing I can think of as something to check is that perhaps pulseaudio is causing a problem. You might try killing pulseaudio before launching JOSM and see if that works any better. (Additionally, it might be worth trying to run JOSM from a terminal window, just in case there are any potentially-useful "raw" error messages coming out on stderr that might give a hint on where to look). I didn't mention it, but I did run in terminal, but it gave no further info, sadly :( As for pulseaudio, I don't use it, alsa instead, maybe that could be it?
(13 Aug '13, 02:29)
If you're running just ALSA without pulseaudio but DON'T have DMIX configured, you might be running into a problem where some other program is monopolizing the audio device - that could also be an issue, though your other comment may suggest something else is happening with the wav files instead.
(13 Aug '13, 03:20)
You could upload the wav (or a part of it) to somewhere. Then others here could try if it plays on their systems/JOSMs.
I made 2 Wav files (using different codecs) from the recorded. None played under linux, but I tried on OSX, where 1 worked, the other not (but gave a proper message hinting at a wrong encoding). So I'm guessing there might be some issue with audio+linux, but I haven't found any java demo to test audio in some other app. Any hints?
What do you mean by "2 wav files using different codecs"? I suspect JOSM is expecting 16-bit PCM, are you using something else?
(You might also try using mpg123 to dump your source mp3 to .wav ["mpg123 -w (filename).wav (filename).mp3"] if the ones you're getting from Audacity are giving you trouble, since I think mpg123 dumps standard 16-bit PCM wav files.
I tried it (never used before and had to find out how to open - not via "open"(!) but via gpx, import audio - an audio file. However, I (JOSM v6115, sun java 1.7.0) got this error message box, no error in the terminal and no sound: "No line matching interface SourceDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian is supported." By searching the web a bit I found out that sound with java under linux is known to be problematic. I am stopping here - someone with JOSM audio mapping experience will likely know...