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Hi, in OSM of my hometown I found the abbriviations ÜL and K. Seam to be part of a local street which is also part of an official biketour of Oberösterreich (R4 or R12 means Radweg Nr. 4 or 12). As Ü is the socalled 'Umlaut u' this should be a German abbriviation I do not understand besides some others. So you know what this mean or do you know the source of the map? Erich

asked 31 Jul '13, 11:47

hirzenberger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Aug '13, 00:11

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Always try to provide a permalink to the area in question.

I did find two bicycle routes. One called Über drüber Landpartie which has the ref ÜL and one called Kultur-Radweg which has the ref K. These references just serve as identifiers and are mostly locally unique. But you will only see them on the map with the OpenCycleMap (in German Radfahrerkarte) layer activated. The standard layer doesn't show bicycle routes.

permanent link

answered 31 Jul '13, 12:12

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 31 Jul '13, 12:15


Thanks a lot! You are right, the bike routes are created by the tourist board of the village. So what I learned now is to search by ref at when no legend is connected to the map by the app. Thank you. Erich

(31 Jul '13, 14:02) hirzenberger

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question asked: 31 Jul '13, 11:47

question was seen: 3,248 times

last updated: 01 Aug '13, 00:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum