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When I try entering my home co-ords: Home Location (N 52° 30.209 W 001° 46.457) it says that it isn't a real number.

If I try updating my location when clicking on the map it puts me nowhere near where I live.

How do I convert the co-ords that I have to the ones that will work on the site?



asked 29 Jul '13, 21:12

walkergeoff's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jul '13, 16:09

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

(29 Jul '13, 22:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, that is right. The previous answer gave me how to do it.

(30 Jul '13, 07:23) walkergeoff

Many thanks to both who answered. I did the calculations and it was spot on.

(30 Jul '13, 07:23) walkergeoff

The co-ords you quote are degrees and minutes and decimal minutes. OSM uses degrees and decimal degrees. If you divide the minutes by 60 they will be in decimal degrees. Co-ords to the west of zero or Greenwich are have a negative value so west becomes -1.xxxxx and south of the equator is a negative number.

so 52 point 30.209/60= + (for north) becomes +52.5034833 and -1 point 46.457/60 west becomes -1.774283 note you only need five figures after the decimal point so you can discard them.

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answered 29 Jul '13, 21:54

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 29 Jul '13, 22:11


I may be safer to not give your exact location. I just use a suburb for location rather than give too much identity away. I also edit my trace so that they do not lead home each time.

(29 Jul '13, 22:23) andy mackey

A quick way to get rough co-ords from the map page is to put the mouse pointer over the View tab. On my Win7 system I then get pop-up of the Lat and Lon at the bottom left. showing screen center co=ords and zoom level.

(29 Jul '13, 23:53) andy mackey

Thanks, Andy, for all your help.

Why do you think that it is safer not to be exact?

My home co-ords are on and presumably people can see that.

(30 Jul '13, 07:59) walkergeoff

If criminals can find your name and address and other details they may try to match them with bank details and try to buy stuff in your name and redirect the goods to somewhere else or even transfer money from your accounts. Be careful

(30 Jul '13, 12:03) andy mackey

@andy mackey: huh, which bank details? Transfer money?! - with just a home address of a person?

(30 Jul '13, 16:12) aseerel4c26 ♦

OSM lets you drop the degrees, minutes and seconds characters using a space instead in the search input box -probably because they are a pain to type... Degree, Minute N52 30.209 W1 46.457

Degree, Minute, Second: With seconds, and not decimal fractions of a minute N52 30 12.540 W1 46 27.420

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answered 29 Jul '13, 22:10

chas66's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 29 Jul '13, 21:12

question was seen: 4,448 times

last updated: 30 Jul '13, 16:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum