With JOSM I have just removed some tags addr:street that were set on many nodes in a city (nodes that were the corners of buildings). I did use the search and first searched for But now I have also many unused nodes which are not part of ways. How can I search for them? asked 28 Jul '13, 17:42 erik |
While the OP has answered his own question, here's a simpler one-step search:
answered 29 Jul '13, 10:18 Vincent de P... ♦ Thank you very much for this. I suppose
(29 Jul '13, 15:56)
Your answer is covered in the JOSM wiki help page as an example (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Search_function). But this page does not mention the
(29 Jul '13, 16:10)
That's how I interpret it. The "-" works for other expresions too, like "building=* -source=*". But I do not understand the feature fully, for example how to use "child" with an expresion. The documentation could do with some improvements.
(29 Jul '13, 16:16)
Vincent de P... ♦
I have made the following cheat sheet of JOSM filters and search expressions. I have them on my OSM wiki page at: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Mdelatorre#Searching_and_filtering I hope they can help!
answered 17 Oct '20, 07:51 mdelatorre |
Ok, I have found a solution.
answered 28 Jul '13, 17:58 erik |
Please keep in mind before deleting those nodes (yes, you did not write that), to try to look why these nodes are existing (see object history, OWL's beta history tab, whodidit, …).
Yes, it were some small buildings in a small village deleted by the redaction bot I think. As I will be there tomorrow, I will possibly create them again.