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I'm trying to setup Tilestache tile server. To generate the required Mapnik XML, I'm using TileMill (using an OSM Bright project to link to a PostGIS database). The Mapnik XML that is generated by TileMill does work, as the following Python code generates a map PNG... However, the map is far too large to be practical (covers the whole world, rather than just the UK, which is what I'd like to use).

How do I go about setting the boundaries for the map in TileMill?

Thank you in advance, Tom

asked 26 Jul '13, 13:35

tarclarke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you explain in which way you think that the XML "covers the whole world"? What exactly is "far too large"?

(26 Jul '13, 14:25) Frederik Ramm ♦

I mean that Tilestache is displaying a map for the whole world, whereas I only want to display a map for the UK.

(26 Jul '13, 14:51) tarclarke

However, the map is far too large to be practical (covers the whole world, rather than just the UK, which is what I'd like to use).

The map generated by this Python script, or the one generated by TileMill? You select an exported extent in TileMill by shift-dragging a box on the map.

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answered 26 Jul '13, 13:38

mcw's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

The one generated by TileMill. I tried shift-dragging a box on the map, but the Mapnik XML export made afterwards is the same size as the one made previously. I wish to exclude all non-relevant areas of the map. Is there anything else I can try?

(26 Jul '13, 14:10) tarclarke

Oh - you mean the Mapnik XML export. Mapnik XML is a formula for styles and data: it cannot be limited in the way you describe. The Mapnik XML does not have a size.

(26 Jul '13, 14:16) mcw

mcw, perhaps it's easier to explain through using the TileMill examples. If you see the 'Open Streets, DC' project, it's this sort of map limits that I'm looking to create.

(26 Jul '13, 14:53) tarclarke

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question asked: 26 Jul '13, 13:35

question was seen: 4,126 times

last updated: 26 Jul '13, 14:53

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