Hello I am displaying business on open street map. There are some businesses with same latitude and longitude. That is why some marker of business which have same lat and long are going to be overlapping with each other. In google map API there is spidered library through which we can handle this issue. Is there any solution for this issue in OSM ?
This question is marked "community wiki".
That depends on your current setup which you didn't tell us. Leaflet has a really nice plugin called MarkerCluster (example) which makes it easy to handle lots of (overlapping) markers. 1
I am using OpenLayers.js libaray. for example just like http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/markers.html
(29 Jul '13, 06:25)
There seems to be a similar plugin for OpenLayers described as AnimatedCluster strategy for OpenLayers which is designed similar to the Leaflet plugin.
(29 Jul '13, 07:23)
scai ♦