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I have seen a few proposals for mapping residential garden areas but it looks like leisure=garden combined with garden:type=residential is most common. Should I just go with the most common way or wait for a proposal to be accepted? Also, would it be advisable to map a large area for all gardens in a block or do each garden individually?

asked 24 Jul '13, 15:57

John_P's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Jul '13, 15:59

That proposal has already been rejected, however as it is quite used in practice, I do not see problem with you also using it (especially as it was rejected mostly for low exposure and hence too little votes, and not sound reasons). What you should do however (whether or not you use garden:type), is to add tag access=private

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answered 25 Jul '13, 13:11

Matija%20Nalis's gravatar image

Matija Nalis
accept rate: 11%

edited 26 Jul '13, 09:22

robbieonsea's gravatar image



Whether it is quite used in practice can be seen on taginfo which tells us that there are already ~3500 objects with this tag.

(25 Jul '13, 13:39) scai ♦

Even though I agree especially about adding access=private, it made me think about buildings which I believe in general are not tagged with access private.

I suppose the default assumption here is that buildings are private unless otherwise indicated to be publicly accessible e.g. a pub, shop, museum, sports centre, public building, etc...

Normally OSM objects (such as leisure=garden) are assumed to be accessible, hence the need to add access=private.

Currently the wiki offers no advice on buildings' access properties.

(26 Jul '13, 09:31) robbieonsea

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question asked: 24 Jul '13, 15:57

question was seen: 8,324 times

last updated: 26 Jul '13, 09:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum