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Currently I am trying to add sidewalk information in Hannover (itoworld). First concern: I hope it is not useless to do this because often I use sidewalk=both. 2. Is it useless to tag the street surface when it's "just" asphalt? Thank you in advance

asked 23 Jul '13, 13:38

Nobelium's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Your question basically amounts to whether certain attributes can be considered the "default" state.

In my opinion, adding sidewalk tags is always worthwhile. Roads with 0, 1 and 2 sidewalks are all pretty common, so I do not think any of them makes a good default. And there are several use cases for the tag.

As for surface tags, I guess that most applications that focus on areas similar to Hamburg or Germany would assume asphalt as the default. However, even in those areas you will occasionally find roads with e.g. concrete or cobblestone surface. And in other parts of the world, asphalt roads are a lot less common. So I don't think adding surface=asphalt is entirely useless either.

Of course it is a matter of personal priorities which information you want to add and thus ultimately up to you.

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answered 23 Jul '13, 14:36

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%


'Your question basically amounts to whether certain attributes can be considered the "default" state'. As I think about my question twice: Yes. For sidewalks you convinced me. For asphalt I have to think about it. Perhaps I will add it just on a special degree/kind of road. Thanks

(23 Jul '13, 14:44) Nobelium

@Nobelium It doesn't hurt to add it everywhere it applies. Even in Germany there are still some secondary roads without an asphalt surface and I guess if you search hard enough you will also find a few primary roads. Although it would be perfectly understandable for a router to assume that every primary and secondary road here has an asphalt surface if no other information is available.

(23 Jul '13, 15:08) scai ♦

In addition to Tordanik's "default" or not it also is a matter of which use case you want to support. You also may add smoothness, width, incline or the height of kerbs or …. I could mention a good use case for every detail.

(23 Jul '13, 16:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

Surface info could be important to cyclists, pram pushers, wheel chairs users and elderly walkers. Knowing the existence of side walks by country roads between villages is a useful resource.

(24 Jul '13, 00:10) andy mackey

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question asked: 23 Jul '13, 13:38

question was seen: 2,990 times

last updated: 24 Jul '13, 00:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum