Hi, Hopefully a simple question, but if you were building something completely new, how would you record the data? Specifically if you wanted to use OSM, would you store the co-ordinates in EPSG:3857 or EPSG:4326? Of course if you need to exchange data with other systems EPSG:4326 might be more useful as users are fairly familiar with the idea of latitude/longitude, however given this would be the exception rather than the rule, is there any merit in storing the data in EPSG:3857 and converting to EPSG:4326 when needed? Would this be any faster with less conversions going on to plot the data on a map? If this is sensible is there an easy way to convert EPSG:3857 to tile names like there is for EPSG:4326? |
Storing coordinates in EPSG:3857 could mean a slight performance advantage when drawing but it would also mean that you cannot capture information around the poles since that projection only goes up to 85°N (or down to 85°S). Thanks for that, the 85 degree constraint wont be a problem for the intended use. How would you work out a map tile for a EPSG:3857 co-ordinate? Thanks Scott
(22 Jul '13, 12:53)