Hello, i am working on a project to develop an interactive map . Do you have any ideas, what programming languages(ex:Javascript etc.) does the openstreetmap API support? asked 22 Jul '13, 08:33 Nikb95 |
.. but do bear in mind the answer to your other question - the OSM API is designed to be used by editors to add data to OSM; you typically wouldn't use an OSM API call to obtain data for an interactive map. Have a look at Overpass and XAPI (effectively non-OSM API calls that might be useful to fetch specific items of data that you might want to overlay over a map that you've displayed based on data downloaded from e.g. one of the sites here. answered 22 Jul '13, 11:08 SomeoneElse ♦ |
The OSM API is an XML API so any programming language that can make HTTP requests and parse XML responses will work. answered 22 Jul '13, 09:04 Frederik Ramm ♦ Thankyou :)
(22 Jul '13, 09:39)
Bear in mind that the "OpenStreetMap API" is intended for use by applications that maintain the database, e.g. editors, rather than end-use applications. Non-editor applications should use the Planet file or alternative APIs such as Overpass.
(22 Jul '13, 11:08)
Jonathan Ben...