Hi guys, I am using the command ./utils/setup.php --osm-file north-america-latest.osm.bz2 --all --osm2pgsql-cache 5000 to import data. It seems having loaded all the Node, Way, and Relation overnight. However, it seems stuck at stopped table: planet_osm_rels. The following is the latest log info:
Is it really stuck, or it is normal, just super slow? Thanks in advance! TJ |
You can see what postgresql is doing by using:
Probably it is creating indexes which depending on the amount of maintenance memory can be quite slow. Great! Thanks!
(18 Jul '13, 15:54)
If you have an answer you are happy with please accept it.
(18 Jul '13, 15:59)
OK guys, I think it is still running -- It is slowly consuming the hard disk. But is it normal, I mean, is it expected to slow down at this stage?
Thanks again. TJ