Hi guys, Id' like to import the France extract in my postgresql database with osm2pgsql. With the actual settings, it's really slow... but I saw that it's possible to tune Postgresql in order to speed up the process. But, I know almost nothing about hardware... How would you tune my postgresql depending on my hard configuration (shared_buffers, work_mem, etc) ?. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 server on a virtual machine, 4G of RAM, 100 GB HD and 4 cores. Thanks!
Lucas |
Tuning postgres is an art. For starters see the osm wiki, the postgres wiki, or the postgres doc. Some of the most important things you should try :
You'll need to experiment a bit. Don't change all the settings at once, just change a few and measure the effect. Use a small (but not trivially smal) data extract (for example Auvergne instead of the whole of France) to iterate faster. 1
Thank you very much for this comprehensive answer. I'm sure it wil be very helpful. I'm going to try that right away.
(18 Jul '13, 12:56)
With only 4GB of ram and a single HDD, importing France will likely always be slow. In case this is an option, adding an SSD to put your database on, or increasing your ram to at least 8Gb or better 16Gb (and setting the cache parameter in osm2pgsql correctly) is probably the only way to really speed things up substantially.
(18 Jul '13, 21:39)
As a first attempt to tune Postgres there's also a tool called pgtune: https://github.com/gregs1104/pgtune |
You have tagged this with nominatim, can we assume that your import uses osm2pgsql?
Yes. Sorry, I forgot to mention it.