This has got to be there somewhere, right? In P1 the "reverse" icon also showed current way direction. Click it in P2 and Nothing Obvious Happens. |
Hi Robin, don't worry, be happy! You're not the only one ... For people like me here's a picture: I hadn't realized before that the pointer indicates the way's direction. Best regards tracker51 1
I've marked this as an accepted answer as Richard's, while it was correct 9 years ago, has now been overtaken by events. A picture is worth a thousand words...
(23 May '20, 15:07)
SomeoneElse ♦
Illustrated instructions for identifying the way direction with most editors are also available on the wiki.
(23 May '20, 16:28)
We would like to have the same behaviour as P1, but unfortunately it's not that simple. Unlike ActionScript 1 (as used for P1), Flex makes it very, very difficult to dynamically change the rotation of an icon. It will come in time but it's not something that can be quickly developed. In the meantime, the next deployment of P2 (maybe this weekend or so) will have an optional 'Enhanced' stylesheet. Choosing this will show direction arrow markers on each way when selected. 2
P2 now shows way direction on the arrow among the bunch of icons at the bottom right - thanks.
(09 Mar '11, 23:04)
SomeoneElse ♦
I am trying to reverse the direction of a way (a cliff in this instance) in Potlatch 2 but cannot find out how to do it. The above post and 2.3 Advance Edits on this page indicates that I should have a way direction icon in the bottom left of Potlatch2 but mine only has the other 6 icons, not the way reversal one. How do I do it please? Robin Oops, please forgive me, I've just worked it out. I was looking for the double arrow shown on the help page - I didn't realise that the single arrow I saw marked the direction of the way, I thought it marked a pointer. How embarrassing!
(29 Nov '11, 06:05)
If mapping a polygon way directions are important they are shown in P2 by the two arrows between the bin and the scissors |