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Hello again OSM experts,

I installed Nomitatim and imported data of one state (Maryland, US). It looks working. But when I query for geocoding, I always (or most of the time)got in returned result class="highway" and type="residential", while same query on openstreetmap website returns class="place", and type="house".

Can someone tell me what I might be missing here? Thanks in advance! TJ

asked 16 Jul '13, 14:54

OSM-TJ2013's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Jul '13, 15:44

twain's gravatar image


In the USA the openstreetmap instance has tiger data loaded in addition to the OSM data. You can find information on how to do this in the response to this question. You should be able to just load data for Maryland rather than the whole data set.

permanent link

answered 16 Jul '13, 15:39

twain's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

Thanks! That "tiger" link does not work anymore. I found this link: But there are not EDGES files. Will the Shapefiles work?

Thanks again! TJ

(16 Jul '13, 15:47) OSM-TJ2013

Never mind, I found it from another old comment. I will try it out and get back here with results.

(16 Jul '13, 15:49) OSM-TJ2013

You can try for a newer version of the data if you wish although I'm not sure this has been tested yet.

(16 Jul '13, 15:53) twain

TIGER 2012 works fine. I've updated the original answer.

(17 Jul '13, 10:57) lonvia

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question asked: 16 Jul '13, 14:54

question was seen: 2,273 times

last updated: 17 Jul '13, 10:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum