Starting today a certain part of a street in Berlin is a one way street, because one side is under reconstruction. This will take probably weeks and since this means a major detour for many it might be worth putting it into the map as long as it takes.
Whether to map temporary road closures has been asked a few times before, see these questions and answers (or other questions tagged with 'temporary'):
OSM data is used for a variety of different things and services, and some of these may not update very often. eg some routing services only update once a month. So a temporary change may stick around for longer than you might expect, long after the construction has finished. Its generally agreed not to change a road if it is closed for a day or two. But if it closed for several months, then it is probably worth changing. If you do change it, it is a good idea to add a note to inform other mappers, and to remind yourself to change it back. For the second part of your question, if the closure only applies to part of the street, you will have to split the way at the appropriate point, so you can tag part of it. How to do this depends on what editor you are using. In Potlatch 2, you can select a node, then press X to split the way at that point. If there isn't a node in the correct place, you can select the way, then hold down shift and click to add a node to the way. |
The first issue is a difficult question to answer. It depends on the frequency people update their OSM maps. I assume active mappers to update their maps more often whereas regular consumers update their maps only once in a while which can be anywhere in between a few weeks, a few months or only once a year. The people who update their maps very often will profit from temporary constructions. The people who update their maps only rarely won't profit at all and will still have to live with the construction site in their maps after it has long been finished. Unfortunately I don't know anything about the average map update frequency of a typical consumer. Personally I update my map before each large trip whereas my parents update their map once a year. I suggest not to add construction sites which will only last for a few days or weeks. But it is difficult to set hard limits here, it also depend on the importance of the construction site and the amount of time you will save or loose. For the second question just split the road. This is a typical task and is always done if the road attributes change between different road sections. |
Due to answers given and suggestions in linked threads I have decided to not change the map. I estimate that the situation will last about 3-5 weeks, which might be just a bit to short to justify a mapchange.
Thanks for the help.