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I have a Sony Xperia Go Android mobile phone. It is taking ages to download a map. I also have an android operating tablet which downloaded a map of Australia quite quickly. Both downloads are using my Wi-Fi but as I say the phone is taking much longer. I am using MapFactor Navigator Free which is working fine on my tablet. MapFactor forum states "The (OSM) maps are the same as for PC/PND/PDA, so you can download them on PC and copy them to /sdcard/navigator/data folder." I am not convinced as to export from your site onto my PC I think I have to select an extension type? A rason for downloading onto my PC is also for storage reasons so I only have one map on the android device at any one time. How do I download a map onto my Windows 7 PC and then copy across to my android device please?

asked 14 Jul '13, 10:03

Bassman21's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Jul '13, 16:35

stephan75's gravatar image



Thanks guys, yes I have now downloaded a map using MapFactor downloader to my PC and then just copied the relevant files in my Windows Downloads folder to my tablet and also to my phone and has worked a treat; much faster than downloading direct to my android device for some reason. Anyway thankyou very much for your valuable assistance. Kind regards Dan

(20 Jul '13, 08:41) Bassman21

I would look at OSMand and that app that will store the maps offline on the droid. You may then be able to drag them back and forth between the the androids and the pc as required. I am using OSMand but I have not tried to shuffle them back and forth. If your PC can have access the the droids memory (especially if microsd) it should work.

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answered 14 Jul '13, 17:51

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 16 Jul '13, 08:20

Thankyou, I'll give it a go and advise.

(15 Jul '13, 13:12) Bassman21

If I remeber correctly, the WindowsMobile map downloader by mapFactor is a program running in all kinds of Windoes computers ... there you can download a map in Mapfactor format to your PC and copy it to any mobile device you have, even d an android one.

So try do download mapFactor setup utility for Windows from their website ... does that work for you?

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answered 15 Jul '13, 16:34

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

  1. go to
  2. download navigator setup utlity
  3. connect sd card to your PC
  4. use export-data tool to directly download the maps or/and sounds to your phone-sd card (e:/navigator/data/)
  5. your welcome
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answered 14 Apr '14, 11:54

LordOfStocks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Apr '14, 11:55

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question asked: 14 Jul '13, 10:03

question was seen: 15,513 times

last updated: 14 Apr '14, 11:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum