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I've just come upon OSM and some am rather novice at all this. In testing things out, I wanted to upload a route created in another application (RouteYou) which I saved as a GPX. My upload however is failing (error below) I read and followed one of the suggested fixes (opening and resaving the GPX in GPX Editor) but trying to upload that resaved file, I get the same error. In GPX Editor I do see that there appears to be only 1 waypoint listed (even though the RouteYou GPX Download function said that this particular route had some 2000 waypoints.) Can anyone guide me?

many thanks



It looks like your GPX file


with the description

wine villages dentelles

and no tags.

failed to import. Here's the error:

Found no good GPX points in the input data. At least 75% of the trackpoints lacked a <time> tag.

asked 13 Jul '13, 15:32

pjstock's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The GPX upload facility in OSM is to upload traces made with a GPS. This is to show you have actually surveyed what you are mapping.

If you create a route with RouteYou and upload it to OSM, then you are copying data from RouteYou to OSM. This is not allowed. It is both a violation of the terms of use of RouteYou and of the contributor terms of Openstreetmap.

permanent link

answered 13 Jul '13, 19:12

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%


Hmm, well that's pretty clear then. Thank you for the clarification. I will read these TOUs more closely.

(13 Jul '13, 20:23) pjstock

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question asked: 13 Jul '13, 15:32

question was seen: 3,558 times

last updated: 13 Jul '13, 20:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum