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Hi All,

I'm very new to all this openstreet and tile server stuff...

I have followed the switch2osm link for manually building a tile server on ubunto 12.04 from:

Eventually, the planet.osm import has ended BUT unfortunately when browsing to the server address has described in the manual - i don't get any image although i can see the request on the Tile Server after starting it.

all i see is: renderd[35717]: DEBUG: Got command Render fd(16) xml(default), z(20), x(30), y(10) renderd[35717]: DEBUG: Connection 8, fd 28 closed, now 8 left

Apache is started successfully (i think): [Sat Jul 13 08:22:16 2013] [warn] Could not determine host name of server to configure tile-json request. Using localhost instead [Sat Jul 13 08:22:16 2013] [notice] Loading tile config style2 at for zooms 0 - 20 from tile directory /var/lib/mod_tile with extension .png and mime type image/png ...done.

Can someone please assist? What am i missing?

I've also found this thread which also is similiar to my problem but still no luck:

Currently my renderd.conf is completely the same as described in this thread (only using my username and gis db).

Any ideas ? How should i debugging this?

asked 13 Jul '13, 06:31

Avisht's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When running osm2pgsql did you get a message such as "Osm2pgsql took 86400s overall" at the end of the data load process?

What happens when you run renderd interactively and try and browse to "http://yourserveraddress/osm_tiles/0/0/0.png"?

(17 Jul '13, 18:25) SomeoneElse ♦

I don't think we have enough information to tell you where things are going wrong for you, but in general it's probably a good idea to do some checks. Did the Mapnik install go OK? Try using to generate a non-tiled image of a region of map data. No luck with that? Rewind a bit further. Did the postGIS database loading go OK? With psql command-line or using pgadmin tool, poke around in your database and see if there any records.

The switch2osm docs are good but brief. There's more Mapnik & OSM install documentation here, which might give more clues when things go wrong.

permanent link

answered 15 Jul '13, 16:13

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 13 Jul '13, 06:31

question was seen: 4,645 times

last updated: 17 Jul '13, 18:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum