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The links to are giving me a problem loading page error. It says the links to the server were reset while loading. I have attempted to access the Beginner's Guide several times over about a 15 minute period. Is this a temporary problem?

asked 12 Jul '13, 05:57

intuitas's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Does the problem still exist?

(12 Jul '13, 08:00) scai ♦

For an up-to-the-minute answer to "is X working" you'd be better off asking on IRC, as by its very nature you'll get an immediate reply. Whether the wiki was or was not down at 3:08 on 12th July 2013 isn't going to be especially relevant to someone in 2 month's time.

(12 Jul '13, 14:50) SomeoneElse ♦

Or you could consult the Platform Status page on the wi... oh. Forget I said that.

(12 Jul '13, 15:35) Richard ♦

The wiki seems to was not working from 03:08 - 06:08 UTC for everybody. You asked the question about at that time (I only see "asked 6 hours ago").

You should be able to access it now. Please add a comment if it works now.

If you have problems again, look at pingdom's stats about the wiki.

permanent link

answered 12 Jul '13, 12:55

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 12 Jul '13, 22:28

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question asked: 12 Jul '13, 05:57

question was seen: 2,990 times

last updated: 12 Jul '13, 22:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum