I spent last hour reading and rereading similar questions and still am unable to figure it out. A quite common situation with a swimming pool surrounded by a paved area. I am able to use two polygons. For the outer (outline of the paved area) I use tags area=yes and highway=pedestrian The inner is a swimming pool. The problem is that I tried many variations and the paved area never appears in the OSM map.
Can someone give me a step by step instructions how to make it work. I can only use Potlatch2...no idea about programming. Thank you very much!!!! |
Do you have a link to the swimming pool or highway? That will make it easier for us to give you a more specific answer. First of all: Don't tag for the renderer. But checking the result as you've done is a good habit. Did you create a multipolygon relation relation? You should probably have done that, with the highway as role outer and swimming pool as role inner. Put as many tags as possible on the relation instead of the outer ring, as stated in the wiki. Does these swimming pools look OK to you? http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/3076138 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?box=yes&bbox=15.12222%2C58.32058%2C15.12357%2C58.32104 I changed them recently, after I've read your question, so it may take some time before they show up completely on the map. Updated answer: I'm not very familiar with editing in Potlatch, but since you managed to create the multipolygon relation I think you are almost done. You just have to move around the tags a little bit. You need to click Advanced when editing the ways and the relation. Delete all tags from the outer way. Delete the stand alone node completely (the one with leisure = swimming_pool). It's better to put this on the inner way. Tag the relation (not the outer way) as:
Tag the inner way as:
Updated answer: I've made a shreenshot of Potlatch which I hope clarifies which tags to move. The multipolygon wiki says "It is suggested to apply all tags which describe the area to the relation, and not to the ways. In many cases this may result in completely untagged ways." (and also "This section is for software developers, users should add tags always to relation and not to outer ways!") Hi: Thank you very much! The link to the swimming pools you sent me ... they look perfect, exactly what I need Here is (I hope) the link to the swimming pool I am trying to do (that little rectangle under the lake): http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=38.781213&lon=-77.532396&zoom=19 I must be really dumb as I don't quite understand it, for example, this: Tag the relation (not the outer way) as: When you have the time, if you could please outline the exact steps. As I said, I can only use Potlatch and iD. Thank you!!!!
(10 Jul '13, 20:19)
I've added a shreenshot in my answer. Hopefully it makes things easier to understand.
(10 Jul '13, 21:14)
Thank you very much for the updated answer and the picture. It is now quite clear. I fixed the little swimming pool and it looks good. Thanks also for the links regarding polygons. Interesting reading, I think I now understand the principle of these polygons and how to tag them. Thanks again, Martin
(11 Jul '13, 02:38)
So http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/3076009 is the thing we are discussing?