Hi, Until mid of June OSM changes in and around Ulm were automatically posted at Twitter OSM Ulm. This has stopped since. I think other local communities have or had a similar service running. Does anybody know how this is done, who is administrating this and how I could get the service restarted? Thanks |
I suspect that someone was using/running a Twitter bot, see: http://git.alech.de/?p=osm_twitter_bots.git |
Contact the local OSM user group in the area you are interested in. We have a list of communities at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:Meetings_in_Germany . Also you could try asking at the forum, http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=14 . |
Yes, indeed, someone was using/running a Twitter bot and now it is back, see: https://twitter.com/osm_ulm and http://jlai.de/osm.html |