I wanna learn how to use these maps and how do I put them in my web-site. Where and how do I start ? |
Start with the beginners' guide in the Wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide. This will help you understand the principles of OSM. To include a map on your website you can use the Export tab on the main OSM page to get the html for a small map on a web page. If you want something more sophisticated you might like to look at OpenLayers to add a slippy map in a div on a web page. You can also create a map as a static image based on OSM data by rendering it yourself. Try looking at Maperitive http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Maperitive 1
The Open Layers page on the wiki has some good examples: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Layers
(25 Jan '11, 06:23)
With OSM everything is possible, but you are limited by your own resources rather than what someone else provides. So what do you want to do?