Hi guys, I succeeded installing my own OSM tile server on a Ubuntu 12.04. Now, I need to install it on a Debian. I tried to follow the same procedure that I used on Ubuntu but I have a problem. I'm using kakrueger ppa (https://launchpad.net/~kakrueger/+archive/openstreetmap) but it seems to fit only Ubuntu... Do you have any idea how to install it on my Debian machine? Thanks! |
This is not really a OSM-related problem. Since Debian and Ubuntu use the same package system it is possible to add an Ubuntu repository on Debian. The command But this can lead to problems. Each package has a list of dependencies. These dependencies are very distribution-specific. Dependencies for Ubuntu packages are chosen in a way to match other Ubuntu packages, not to match Debian packages. Trying to install Ubuntu packages on a Debian system can lead to weird dependencies which cannot be resolved, or important other packages might get deleted in order to solve the dependencies, and so on. Make sure you know what you're doing and watch the package installation process closely. 1
Thank you very much Alex. Your answer is absolutely helpful and very interesting. I'll stick to Ubuntu then.
(08 Jul '13, 10:09)