I want to upload planet-latest.osm on a PostgreSQL database via osm2pgsql but even if I've got no error for the creation of the table, the process stops acting near the 2Go and the error is (sorry it's french):
You have a version of osm2pgsql that only supports 32bit IDs (if you type "osm2pgsql" it will say something about "32bit ID space" in the first line of output, or even worse, nothing about ID space at all. You have to re-compile osm2pgsql or download a version compiled for 64bit IDs. Thank you for your reply, do you know how to switch to 64bit on a Debian 6.0 Squeeze? I have the 0.69 version of osm2pgsql
(08 Jul '13, 12:03)
The osm2pgsql package of Debian 6.0 ("Squeeze") doesn't support 64bit IDs. This is because Squeeze is rather old (from early 2011). The current stable version of Debian (7.0 aka "Wheezy") supports 64bit IDs. But if you cannot upgrade to Wheezy you can still get a recent version from GitHub, see the osm2pgsql wiki page for more information.
(08 Jul '13, 12:21)
scai ♦