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Looks like Premier West has merged, I noticed all the Premier West banks are now AmericanWest:

Is there a way someone could bulk change the name of all "Premier West" banks on OSM? Thanks.

asked 08 Jul '13, 04:56

luke32j's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are ways to do this technically but we usually refrain from making such edits; I am not familar with the merger in question, but mergers like that will often not lead to a simple renaming of 100% of branches. Instead, some branches might be closed altogether, or taken over by third parties, or whatever.

Now if we were to automatically (and without detailed knowledge of the merger) change all branch names, to the casual observer that would look like local knowledge was at work ("oh look, this AmericanWest branch has been edited only a month ago so the information will surely be current!"), when in fact that particular branch of AmericanWest might not even exist.

It is best to take such a merger as an opportunity to revisit and re-check the data. From now on, if you see a "Premier West" branch listed on OSM, you will know that the area hasn't been visited by a mapper for a long time and it would be good to go there and have a look around - what else has changed besides the bank merger?

permanent link

answered 08 Jul '13, 07:23

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


This verification process can be organized, of course. You can create a wiki page with a list containing all Premier West banks in OSM's database grouped by city, municipality, county, state or whatever. This way local mappers can check the banks near them and mark them as done afterwards on the wiki page and you will get an overview of the current process.

(08 Jul '13, 08:01) scai ♦

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question asked: 08 Jul '13, 04:56

question was seen: 3,208 times

last updated: 08 Jul '13, 08:02

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