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The village where I live in the UK is almost completely missing from the OpenStreetMap data. There is just a simple cross-roads showing at present when there should be another 24 streets/roads. I have a Garmin eTrex Legend colour which I could easily use to create a trace of the village (either centre line or both sides) but I wouldn't know where to start to contribute the data. Would anyone be willing to take my Garmin data and upload it? Thanks. Mike

asked 24 Jan '11, 10:56

emjayh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In theory we could upload your data for you - but you'd be missing out!

The real strength of OpenStreetMap is mappers' local knowledge. You will make a much better map of your village than we ever could.

Mapping isn't difficult. Have a go (you'll probably find the 'Potlatch 2' editor, available if you hover over the Edit tab, much easier than the standard 'Potlatch 1') and come back here if you've got any problems - either that or ask in the online chatroom at It'd be great to have you on board.

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answered 24 Jan '11, 13:41

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

A good starting point is reading the Beginners' guide, and then you have to tell us where you get stuck.

As a note beforehand, you can upload the traces yourself on the Upload GPS Trace page as described in the guide above. The traces have to be in the gpx format.

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answered 24 Jan '11, 12:43

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thank you for the three responses to my question. I have looked at the Potlatch 2 editor which of course has its own learning curve and I am at sea level at the moment! I need to sort out what format my Garmin traces are in - I know how to move traces to and from the computer but don't know at the moment if they can be in gpx format. I have managed to find the map showing other members who live locally and have contacted one. Many thanks. Mike

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answered 25 Jan '11, 10:41

emjayh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you make one of your Garmin traces available by for example uploading it somewhere else I can take a look at it and try to find out the format.

(25 Jan '11, 12:22) gnurk

Thanks to gnurk for offering to check a file.

I have since created a track and downloaded it in .gpx format using Mapsource (purchased with Garmin) and also two free programs, GPSBabel and EasyGPS. Mapsource and EasyGPS both allow the track to be seen on screen. I note that the .gpx file is in fact just a text file not unlike HTML.

Having got that far I decided that in the present weather it was going to be much more comfortable using the Potlatch 2 online software so I used that to draw my village on OpenStreetMap, which I have now done.

Thanks to all for the help above.


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answered 28 Jan '11, 21:12

emjayh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What part of the world are you in? Maybe check on the wiki so see if there is a project page that covers where you are.

It could be that there are others that have an interest in your area who would be keen to get your GPX files.

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answered 25 Jan '11, 06:28

Ebenezer's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 24 Jan '11, 10:56

question was seen: 5,678 times

last updated: 28 Jan '11, 21:13

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