Hello Everybody, is it possible to create a map on a lower zoom level zhan zhe lowest that exists (wich seems to be around 500m lenghth on a big screen)... but without the names of the descriptive tags getting pixeled... e.g. if you zoom down to 1m on 1m you will only see a pixeled part of a tag. Can this tag be done in vector so the user is still able to read it properly... Thanks in advance! Gino |
You could setup your own slippy map configured to allow higher zooms, or you could use some form of vector rendering. There are a few projects working on this, including mappbox and kothic js. Hello Vincent, thank you very much for answering my question in such a detailed manner! We'll look into your suggestions and ask some more, if you don't mind... With kind regards, G.
(08 Jul '13, 09:24)