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For Mapnik: I have a landuse=forest as outer in a multipolygon, with 67 members. The latest members, type natural=fell (around 10 of them or even more) don't show up on mapnik. It's relation 399078, and for example one 'hole' that doesn't show up, is 96386371.

When switching to OSMrenderer, the holes show up, but the forest doesn't. It looks as eastward from a certain tile, the forest isn't rendered anymore. When zooming out, it appears this happens to more larger forests with almost the maximum of 2000 nodes.

Location is

asked 23 Jan '11, 22:28

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Alexander Ro...
accept rate: 0%

closed 24 Jan '11, 11:37

This isn't a question! If you rephrase it as a question, maybe someone can answer it. If you actually meant to file a bug report, you should use .

(24 Jan '11, 08:28) Richard ♦

Regarding the mapnik thing: apparently, I had another 'outer' relation for the enclosing area, once changed that, the other holes appeared.

The OSMArenderer problem still persists, but this one is probably really better suited in a bug report.

The question for the first part would have been: what did I do wrong or is this a glitch?

(24 Jan '11, 11:37) Alexander Ro...

The question has been closed for the following reason "Solved otherwise, the other thing is a bug." by Alexander Roalter 24 Jan '11, 11:37

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question asked: 23 Jan '11, 22:28

question was seen: 2,997 times

last updated: 24 Jan '11, 11:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum